1. Completing your Form
You may fill in the form in any order you choose. Move between the pages of the form using the Form Navigation menu at the right of screen. Or, click the Next Page and Previous Page buttons at the top or bottom of the page.
2. Completing your Form in a group/team
You can share your applicant login details to allow colleagues to work on a form with you. However, avoid editing the form at the same time as somebody else.
3. Saving your draft Form and returning later
Your form is automatically saved each time you move between pages. You can also click the Save button at the top of the page, which you should do when logging out or leaving the computer for an extended period. Your saved form will be available for you to continue next time you log in.
4. Submitting your Form
To submit your form, you must click the Submit button on the final Review page of the form.
Your form will not submit if:
- You have failed to answer any compulsory questions.
- You have exceeded any word limits.
- You have entered any other invalid data (such as an invalid ABN).
5. Form submission confirmation
After submitting you will receive a confirmation email including a PDF copy of your form. If you do not receive this email, contact Scanlon Foundation on foundation@scanlonfoundation.org.au to confirm your form has been received.